Lauki Corn Pulao

‘Lauki Corn Pulao! Well what’s that? Ye bhi koi banata hai Kya’ wailed my 14-year old (grumpy faced 😡) [who ever makes that!!!]
Well, it’s what you make when you are having a lazy Sunday, recovering from flu and throw everything that you have in the fridge into the Pressure Cooker. A lazy one pot meal.
The anti climax – the whole cooker is wiped clean in about 10 minutes!
Who’s having the last laugh now 😂


It isn’t much of a recipe really.
A simple pulao. Soak  a cup of Basmati rice.
Heat 2 tbsp oil, throw in a tsp of cumin/jeera, some chopped garlic and onion. Brown them. Chop in a large tomato. Add salt, red chilli powder,  Turmeric/ Haldi coriander/dhaniya powder, cook, throw in veggies of choice, rice, a cup of water, one whistle

It’s tough to wipe the smirk off me now! 😄